Save Your Smile by Restoring Your Gums - Think Oral Implants and Periodontics

Most tooth loss results from bad gums. Often gum problems get ignored until it’s too late. The tooth is loose and cannot be saved.  But all is not lost. It is possible, with modern dental techniques, to restore gums to a healthy state. It is also possible to ward off serious gum problems by keeping them healthy.

Treatments That Restore Gums

Scaling and root planning is likely the first treatment your dentist recommends. The process takes 4 steps.

  • Step 1: A local anesthetic or membrane-stabilizing drug controls pain and bleeding.
  • Step 2: The dentist or dental hygienist removes plaque or calculus buildup between the gums and on the base of teeth crowns. Scaling is done manually or with an ultrasonic instrument.
  • Step 3: Root Planning smooths rough surfaces and removes subgingival bacteria. The dentist cleans deep below the gums and removes plaque, tartar, and cementum, a calcified film covering the root. The bone gets checked for infection.
  • Step 4: A flushing of the area removes the remaining bacteria.

Gum graft surgery is appropriate when gum tissue deteriorates, and infection sets. During the process, the dentist removes a piece of tissue from the roof of your mouth or nearby healthy gum tissue. The tissue gets transplanted into the deteriorated area. The dentist may suggest one of 3 types of graphs.

  • Gingivitis Graph as described above
  • Connective Tissue Graph uses deep layer connective tissue
  • Pedicle Graft creates a flap of tissue from an area next to the affected gum tissue using the flap to cover the receding area.

Pinhole surgical treatment is minimally invasive. A device is inserted that stretches and peels back the gum. Collagen strips placed in the gum hold the tissue in place against the tooth.

Rebuild Your Gums Naturally

If your gums show signs that things aren’t quite right, there are some steps you can take to head off serious problems.

  • Floss at least once a day
  • Brush twice a day
  • Use a water pick
  • Get regular dental cleanings
  • Quit smoking
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Use a therapeutic mouthwash

Natural Remedies

Your gum tissue does not regenerate the way other types of tissue do (like the epithelial tissue of your skin, for example). Receding gums don’t grow back. Some limited studies show some benefits of natural items such as green tea rinses to fight infection.  Aloe Vera gel is also suggested as being beneficial.  Just remember, while these natural remedies may be beneficial to your oral health, none of them will help damaged tissue grow back. There is no natural treatment that repairs receding gums.

Think Oral Implants and Periodontics are experts in the area of troublesome gums. If you live in the Paoli, PA area and are experiencing gum issues call us now at (610) 550-3333. Offices are located at 250 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 215, Paoli, PA 19301