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250 W Lancaster Ave. Suite 215. Paoli, PA 19301.

Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery

Long-Term Risks of Periodontal Disease

Most of us are aware of something going on in our mouths. When it comes to periodontal disease, we too often attribute those bleeding gums to a temporary condition that will magically go away. We try home remedies: rinse with peroxide or saltwater, paint our gums with...

Will Periodontal Treatment Stop Bone Loss?

We tend to think of our bones as pretty well fixed. When it comes to periodontal disease, bones are just as susceptible to damage as is gum tissue. If left untreated, periodontal disease eats away at your jawbone. The result is tooth loss, more disease, and pain. The...

Is Periodontal Disease Reversible?

As with any disease, when caught in its early stages, the chances of reversing or curing periodontal disease improve. So, if your dentist diagnoses you with the first periodontal disease stage, known as gingivitis, your chances of nipping it in the bud are good. In...